1:08 AM
by Mochio Umeda
知人から、なぜこんなことを飽きずに毎日やっているのか? とよく聞かれるので、少しそんなことを書いてみようかと思う。
1) まあたくさん書いているように見えるかもしれないが、仕事に出て行く前に毎朝最低限しなければならない勉強のメモを、Blogの形で公開しているみたいな
2) ボランティアの気持ち、というのが次にある。こちらに住んでときどき日本に行くという生活だと、顧客企業のトップやほんのわずかな友人としか日本では
3) 僕が面白いなと思って書くこと(や選ぶ記事)の三つに一つくらいは面白いと思う読者層が、潜在的には1,000人くらいは居るのではないかと思っている。学
4) たとえば日経ビジネスのコラムは、月一回につき、このBlog50個分くらいのインプットをふうふう言いながらして、インプットしたものの大半を捨ててエッ
5) 顧客企業の若いスタッフが、このBlogを読んで、けっこう喜んでくれている、というのがある。顧客企業と言っても、毎日皆と顔を合わせているわけでは
6) このBlogというムーブメントは、「ITの力を活用すると、たった一人でほとんどコストをかけなくても、それなりに面白いコンテンツを作ってパブリッシュできる」という意味で、既存の権威としてのメディア、ジャーナリズムにはっきりと対抗するもの。そういうシリコンバレーっぽい反権威的ムーブメントに参加するのは痛快だ、ということがある。
7:11 AM
by Mochio Umeda
インドのソフトウェア・ITサービス企業・Wiproについての取材報告がFast Companyに載った。
「A decade ago, Wipro was an anonymous conglomerate selling cooking oil and personal computers, mostly in India. Today, it is a $903 million-a-year global company, and most of its business comes from information-technology services. Since 1997, Wipro's revenue has grown by an average of 26% a year while profits have grown by 69%. Its 15,000 technologists write software, integrate back-office solutions, design semiconductors, debug applications, take orders, and field help calls for some of the biggest companies in the world. They are as good at doing all of that as anyone in the world. Perhaps better. And they are cheaper -- on average about 40% cheaper -- than comparable American companies.」
「Think hard about that. If you are a strategy consultant working for Accenture or EDS in the United States, how do you compete with Ganesh? How does your company compete when Antony's troops can execute Ganesh's solution for perhaps a quarter of the cost of your staff -- and execute just as well?」
「If what you do can be done by anyone, there will always be someone willing to do it for less. If what you do can be done by anyone, there will always be someone willing to do it for less.」
「Wipro has embraced quality. In six years, it has trained 7,000 employees in Six Sigma and completed 1,000 quality projects. Six years ago, Fast Company profiled a team at Lockheed-Martin that wrote nearly perfect code ( "They Write the Right Stuff," Dec : Jan 1997 ). The team's claim to fame: It was one of only four outfits in the world to achieve Level 5 certification from the Software Engineering Institute. Wipro has Level 5 certification in three different categories. It's eye-glazing stuff, but an amazing achievement.」
先日フォーサイト誌に発表した、スタンフォード大学・西義雄教授の インタビュー・エッセイの中で、西教授は、
「Imagine, then, that you are a young Indian engineer working for an Indian technology company that is successfully starting to challenge some of the most established service providers on the planet. Yes, you want to make good money and buy a home. But just as likely, your work isn't solely about personal achievement or even your employer's market cap: It's a statement of national identity. "There is the same feeling that I found in Japan many years ago," says Gurcharan Das, the retired head of Procter & Gamble India, now a writer and venture capitalist. "In the 1970s, I visited a factory there; it may have been Toyota. And a worker told me that he was working for the greater glory of Japan. It's the same sense of destiny that is partly driving these people today in India."」
6:32 AM
by Mochio Umeda
最新のデル経営について、Upside誌の元編集長・Eric NeeがCIOINSIGHT誌に書いたコラム「Dell and the Deep Blue Sea」。主題は
「Dell Computer is extending its low-cost model into just about every computer box business around, writes Eric Nee. Is there any way to compete? No one's come up with one yet.」
「The question companies like IBM, HP and Sun face: Can they compete with Dell in hardware markets where standards are already determined? Or should they move entirely into specialized hardware, software and services where Dell's unique approach doesn't have much leverage?」
「IBM is focusing on hardware markets where it can offer unique technology, like laptops, or leverage its strength in services and software, like servers.」
という戦略を取り、うまくいっているが、HPとSunの戦略は迷走しているのというのがEric Neeの分析である。
「a boutique provider of special-purpose computers and software-such as powerful engineering workstations and servers-that some customers will pay more for.」
「At the same time, Sun thinks it can compete directly against Dell with low-priced, general-purpose Linux servers.」 を両方やろうとして苦境に陥っているという。
「To compete against Dell in computers, and increasingly in other parts of the hardware business, older firms are being forced to become more efficient, or get out and find other ways to meet their customers' needs. IBM is the one firm that has figured this out. The question for HP and Sun is whether they will follow suit, or go the way of United Airlines.」
シスコCEOのチェンバースも、競合はデルと 言い切っているわけで、デルという企業の存在は、これからも、ボックスビジネス最大の脅威であり続けるに違いないのである。
6:29 AM
by Mochio Umeda
3月1日、2日に、スタンフォード大学で、「Spectrum Policy: Property or Commons?」というコンファレンスが開催される。主題は、
「An emerging consensus holds that the traditional system of governmentally-allocated spectrum rights inhibits innovation and competition. The central question now facing policy makers is what form of spectrum management should replace the existing system.」
「Since its discovery, small chunks of spectrum have been auctioned off to the highest bidder, or given away to commercial interests in exchange for their submission to government regulation. Laws prohibit the resale of spectrum, which means that unused spectrum cannot be transferred to others who want it, and is therefore wasted. 」
「As a result, would-be innovators never know if spectrum will be available for their new inventions. Consequently, they can't factor it into a business plan, or build new wireless applications in their garage knowing that the necessary spectrum will be available to their future customers. 」
「In an effort to encourage innovation, critics of the current model have proposed radical - and radically different -- reforms.」
スピーカーも充実し、FCC ChairmanのMichael Powellも参加する。
6:26 AM
by Mochio Umeda
Forbes誌のコラムニスト、Rich Karlgaard氏の最新コラム「Can software startups succeed?」。ForbesはFortuneに比べて読むところがなくて、僕は最近この人のコラムしか読まなくなった。とてもシニカルで面白い。前半部分は読み飛ばしてもいいが、最後のソフトウェア・スタートアップの成功条件10か条「Success for a software startup is still possible, if harder to come by. Here are ten tips on how to beat the odds:」は、最近の米国ソフトウェア・スタートアップの窮状を知る上で参考になる。
5:02 PM
by Mochio Umeda
「Commerce One has only $110 million in cash, and it's likely to burn $20 million in the first quarter. His plan is to cut more costs, in part
by sending engineering work to India. He's hoping that a tech recovery will lift the company and fuel sales of its new product.」
「The question is whether they can steer through this crisis and emerge strong again--and in the process help to shape tech's future. The answer for many should become clear in 2003, which looks like the make-or-break year for tech's zombies. With the industry still mired in its slump,
they're burning through cash.」
という意味(昔のオラクルのように不死鳥のように蘇ることができるか)での「 Who will rise again?」囲み欄では、Akamai、SONICblue、i2、Transmetaの四社がダメで、Juniperは何とかなるのではないか、という予想。この記事は、こういうタイプの会社の中で今どんなことが起きているのかを知るには格好の材料である。
4:55 PM
by Mochio Umeda
シリコンバレー雇用に関係する二つの記事を。一つはニューヨーク・タイムズの「Job-Rich Silicon Valley Has Turned Fallow, Survey Finds」。もう一つはCNETの「Perspective: Time to revisit the H-1B」。
「Although not all H-1B visas go to technology workers, the program is especially dear to Silicon Valley, whose lobbyists helped convince
Congress to increase the number of annual H-1B visas to 115,000 in 1999 and then to 195,000 through fiscal year 2003. (The U.S. fiscal year ends Sept. 30.) With the maximum number of H-1B visas granted in a year set to fall to 65,000 in fiscal 2004, the tech industry is preparing for a fight with opponents like the AFL-CIO and the Communications Workers of America.」
4:52 PM
by Mochio Umeda
以前簡単にご紹介したClay Shirkyの最新作「The Music Business and the Big Flip」がアップされた。Shirkyの「Clay Shirky's Writings About the Internet :Economics and Culture, Media and Community, Open Source」は、メーリングリスト登録しておけば、隔週くらいの間隔で最新の論考が届く。ブックマークの「ITビジネス関連のお勧めメールマガジン」に追加しておきましょう。興味のある人は登録されることをお勧めします。
「The most important departments at a record label are Artists & Repertoire, and Marketing. A&R's job is to find new talent, and Marketing's job is to publicize it.」という機能のIT化が今後どうなるかという点についてである。
「The first and last thirds of the music industry have been reconfigured by digital tools. The functions in the middle have not.
Thanks to software like ProTools and CakeWalk, the production of music is heavily digital. Thanks to Napster and its heirs like Gnutella and Kazaa, the reproduction and distribution of music is also digital. As usual, this digitization has taken an enormous amount of power formerly reserved for professionals and delivered it to amateurs. But the middle part -- deciding what new music should be available -- is still analog and still professionally controlled.
The most important departments at a record label are Artists & Repertoire, and Marketing. A&R's job is to find new talent, and Marketing's job is to publicize it. These are both genuinely hard tasks, and unlike production or distribution, there is no serious competition for those functions outside the labels themselves. Prior to its demise, Napster began publicizing itself as a way to find new music, but this was a fig leaf, since users had to know the name of a song or artist in advance. Napster did little to place new music in an existing context, and the current file-sharing networks don't do much better. In strong
contrast to writing and photos, almost all the music available on the internet is there because it was chosen by professionals.」
「Prior to its demise, Napster began publicizing itself as a way to find new music, but this was a fig leaf, since users had to know the name of
a song or artist in advance. Napster did little to place new music in an existing context, and the current file-sharing networks don't do much better. In strong contrast to writing and photos, almost all the music available on the internet is there because it was chosen by professionals.」
「"filter, then publish" is giving way to "publish, then filter."」
4:51 AM
by Mochio Umeda
フォーチュン誌によるBill Gatesのインタビュー。サプライズはないが、ゲイツのインタビューの雰囲気は、いつもぜんぜん変わらない。ゲイツ節健在である。独占商品の周辺機能を定義して、それを取り込んでいく。当然の戦略として。そのスペースに誰かがいても。シーベル買収の噂が出ているのは百も承知でしゃべっている。そして同時に、独占商品の莫大な収益をベースに、新事業領域には長期にわたってしつこくコミットする。勝つまで続ける。
「If you take the four businesses where we're losing money--business solutions [enterprise software for small business], the Xbox, MSN, and mobile platforms [PDAs and smart cellphones]」
「There are five form factors: wall-sized, desk-sized, tablet-sized, pocket-sized, and wrist-sized. What we need is a more complementary relationship across the devices so that you can think, "Because I have an electronic calendar on my PC, then my wrist device can tell me about traffic conditions without my even asking, because it knows where I'm going." But to work, the devices have to work well together.」
4:49 AM
by Mochio Umeda
Business 2.0誌の「How to succeed in 2003」。20人の各分野で活躍する人たちのショート・インタビュー。
SunのBill Joyは、
「The next big area to watch will be communications. Technologies like advanced digital cellular technology, ultra-wideband, and smart antennas are becoming possible because the cost of processors has dropped so dramatically. If you understand what will soon be possible in digital communications, you can see that dramatic changes are on the way.」
「The sudden slowdown took everyone by surprise. But we were more prepared than most of the companies in our industry because of our business model.」 と豪語するが、同じBusiness 2.0誌の特集は、「 The Dell Way」。デル経営の最新情報はこちらで。
4:46 AM
by Mochio Umeda
毎日でないがたまにインドやイスラエルの新聞を読むと、面白い記事にぶつかることがある。エルサレム・ポスト(無償だが読者登録が必要)の「VC investments down 39% in 2002」という記事。2001年のベンチャーキャピタル投資額$1.6Bilから、2002年は$982milに落ちた。新聞というのはいずこも同じ、前年比で下がればこういう見出しをつけるが、それでも$982milも投資されたという絶対額はけっして小さいものではない。
日経のサイトの「Front Runner」欄のアレン・マイナー氏が、「日本のVC業界の課題」という文章の中で、怪しげな理論ではあるが、
「私はベンチャーファンド総額は国内総生産(GDP)1000分の1ぐらいが適度だと考えている(この数字については機会を改めて説明したい)。日本の2000年のVC運用総額は2300億円だった。これをGDPの1000分の1に当たる5000億円に近づけるには、どうしても年金からの出資が必要である。従来のVC出資を2300億円から3000億円へ増加させて、年金から2000億円を出資すれば5000億円となるので、それほど無理な金額ではないだろう。これで年金からの出資がベンチャーファンドへ占める割合も40%となり、米国の標準に近づく。(略) 米国のVC業界に追いつくといっても、2000年の900億ドルものベンチャーファンドを目指す必要はまったくない。900億ドルはこの年の米国GDPの100分の1に相当する金額。ネットバブルというより、ベンチャーキャピタル・バブルといえるだろう。私は目指すべきは95年当時の米国の水準だと思う。この年のGDPは7兆ドル、VCファンド総額が76億ドルで1000分の1を少し上回るあたりである。バブルではなく、順調に資金が回っている時をターゲットにしていけばいいと思う。」
5:24 AM
by Mochio Umeda
5周年を迎えたハーバード・ビジネススクールのCalifornia Research Center(在シリコンバレー)のトップ・インタビュー。
「People saw that Harvard Business School's primary interest was not building a campus here but doing research and case writing, which is complementary to these other schools because they do not do that much case writing themselves.」
ここでケースを書いているのである。1997年から110個のケースが書かれたという。ハーバードのケースについては、以前の Blogもあわせてご参照。
テーマは、Internet: 37個、Telecom and Networking: 14個、Venture Capital:9個、Software: 9個、Computers and Storage: 6個、Medical Devices: 5個、Philanthropy and non-profit: 5個、Biotech: 4個、Financial Services: 4個、Education (for-profit) 3個、Semiconductors: 2個、その他が12個とのこと。スタートアップ企業のケースもたくさん書かれた。このインタビュー記事を読んで興味を持ったケース(会社)があれば、オンラインで購入してみたらいい。だいたいひとつ6ドルか7ドルくらいだったと思う。何かひとつ読んでみると、ハーバードのケースがどんなものかよくわかるはずである。また、このオンライン購入サイトで、思いついたキーワードで(たとえばeBayみたいな)検索してみると、企業活動に関するさまざまな過去の経験が、きちんと明文化されて継承され、それらがビジネス教育に活用されていることがよくわかる。こういう蓄積は、間違いなく米国の競争優位につながっている。
「Well, I do think out here there's a lot more give and take between firms. People tend to not go and stay at one place for ten or twenty years, and people believe that's fine, that it's one way in which the whole Valley becomes more creative. There's a sense almost that this area is one large company, and that companies are really more like divisions than companies. So, people are much freer in sharing ideas and information, and I think a lot of that now is probably beginning to become true on the East Coast as well, but people here are very open about things.」
「Silicon Valley is an incredibly inventive place, and historically there have been boom and bust cycles in terms of technological invention. Now we are going through a time of consolidation, even in industries such as venture capital. But I believe that another wave of invention will begin within the next three to four years. The next wave could be nanotechnology or technologies that build on high-speed networks as those become widely available in both homes and businesses. There's always something new and exciting, and that's why the three of us love working here, because intellectually there couldn't be a more fascinating job.」
5:19 AM
by Mochio Umeda
Business Week誌2/3号のカバーストーリー「The New Global Job Shift」もなかなか充実した内容である。
「The next round of globalization is sending upscale jobs offshore. They include basic research, chip design, engineering--even financial analysis. Can America lose these jobs and still prosper? Who wins? Who loses?」
同じBusiness Week2/3号のマイケル・マンデルのコラム「Deficits? Class Warfare? No, It's About Growth」は、米国の現在の経済政策の評価をめぐっての簡潔な総括だが、結局、二極化した下の側をどうするのか、ということが相変わらず政策の焦点になっている。
「As BusinessWeek pointed out, the best thing for poor Americans is fast growth and low unemployment, even if it brings more inequality. That's the lesson of the 1990s.」
けっこうあからさまな文章で日本では反発を感じる人も多いだろうが、これが米国の根底に流れる一貫した考え方である。アメリカナイゼーションの押し付けだと批判されるアメリカのグローバリゼーション志向の背景に流れる考え方も全く同じである。この文章のAmericansをpeople in the worldに変えればグローバリゼーションの話になる。
12:23 AM
by Mochio Umeda
1/23号の「Survey」は、「Internet Society」がテーマ。しばらくはネットでも無償で読めると思う(後から検索しようとすると金がかかるはず)。できるだけ早く、じっくりと読むことをぜひお勧めしたい。この「Survey」は、
Digital dilemmas(序) 、
No hiding place (プライバシー)、
A fine balance (著作権)、
Power to the people (直接民主制)、
Caught in the net (抑圧的管理志向の政治体制)、
Through a glass darkly (総括: “The biggest decisions about the internet's future will be political and social, not technological”)からなる六本の主要記事と、
Only disconnect (2033年の社会イメージのスナップショット)
Author interview (David Manasianのインタビュー音声)、
Sources (ネット上で検索可能な参考文献リスト)
序にあたる「Digital Dilemmas」で書かれる、この特集の意図と背景だけ簡単に解説しておこう。
「Far from being over, the computer and telecoms revolution that created the internet has barely begun. These technologies will change almost every aspect of our lives-private, social, cultural, economic and political. In some areas, the changes may be marginal, but in most they will be profound, and unprecedented.」
「But the social changes over the coming decades are likely to be much more extensive, and to happen much faster, than any in the past, because the technologies driving them are continuing to develop at a breakneck pace. More importantly, they look as if together they will be as pervasive and ubiquitous as electricity. Whether this will be for good or ill is impossible to predict, because how they are applied will be a matter of social and political choice. Many of these choices will be difficult and divisive.」
「Billions of dollars have been lost betting on the idea that the internet would quickly change everything from retailing to
entertainment. Internet usage has continued to grow, but most dotcoms have failed, and the telecommunications industry, which raced to build the infrastructure for cyberspace, is staggering under $1 trillion of debt. Yet it would be wrong to conclude that this is the end of the internet revolution. Boom and bust often follow the introduction of radically new technologies.」
「For the sake of argument, this survey will assume that we are heading towards a networked society of ubiquitous, mobile communications capable of constant monitoring. Whether this arrives in 20, 30 or 40 years does not really matter. The point is that the destination seems not merely possible, but probable, so it is not too soon to ask: what do we want this technology to do?」
「The internet has already thrown up a host of legal and political conundrums, but these are only a small foretaste of the dilemmas-about privacy, security, intellectual property and the nature of government itself-that will have to be faced over the coming decades. The debate has already begun. This survey will outline some of main issues, and speculate on the way they are likely to go.」
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