5:34 PM
by Mochio Umeda
まずはパネリストの一人、John Patrick(元IBM Vice president of Internet Technology)のBLOGが包括的である。彼は、パネル・ディスカッションについてこう語る。
「It was a special treat to be on a panel with Dan Bricklin, Mitch Kapor, and Les Vadasz to discuss the future of technology and innovation. Much of our discussion focused on blogging and WiFi.」
パネルの話はBLOGとWiFiに終始したらしい。同じくパネリストのDan Bricklinも、自分の
あと、雑誌では「Network World Fusion」が力を入れており、もちろんSan Jose Mercury Newsの「10 technologies to watch」も、よくまとまっている。主催者からもプレスリリースが出た。
今年これから行われるこうしたDEMOのような一流のコンファレンスの案内が、Business 2.0に出ていたので、それもあわせてご紹介しておこう。
5:30 PM
by Mochio Umeda
前回の続き。Red Herring誌から「Top 10 Trends 2003」。
Wireless、Hardware/Software、Venture Capital、Semiconductors、Nanotechnology、Financial Reporting、Telecommunications、Biotechnology、Broadcasting、Broadbandのそれぞれについて概観が短く書かれているので、興味のある分野を選んで読んでみると面白いかもしれません。
第一記事で取り上げられたHilary Rosenはもう辞任してしまいましたが。
5:25 PM
by Mochio Umeda
2/18 Forbes誌の特集の続き。同じくForbes誌の「Largest Private Companies」特集は、考える材料をいろいろと与えてくれる。
このサイトの右上の「VIEW LIST BY」のところに行って、売り上げ順のところをクリックすると、売上高ランキング表が出てくる。従業員順のところをクリックすれば従業員数ランキングが出てくる。
4:51 PM
by Mochio Umeda
William Gurleyのコラムが久しぶりにcnetにアップされた。彼はベンチマーク・キャピタルという有力VCのジェネラル・パートナーで、90年代後半、切れ味鋭い分析のコラムを書くことで定評があった。僕も以前に彼のコラムを読もうという文章を書いたことがある。
ITバブル崩壊後、執筆の間隔があいていたのであるが、久しぶりのコラム。タイトルは「Software in a box」。
「Most executives in Silicon Valley take it for granted that selling software is a better business model than selling hardware.
In their mind, this goes without saying. The self-evident reasons relate to software's remarkably high gross margins. With near-zero variable costs, software businesses offer the ultimate in scalability. Software businesses are simultaneously less-capital-intensive than hardware. This combination of low capital intensity and high gross margins, also leads to better valuations in the marketplace.」
本当か? というのがテーマである。
「The industry has changed in ways that improve the "business model" elements of selling hardware. The key driver is the standardization and general availability of hardware components, particularly those used in generic Intel-based 1U servers. As a result, the hardware is not a proprietary design, but rather a type of packaging. (Think of it as an alternative to a cardboard box.) Combine this availability with the proliferation of Ethernet, TCP/IP, and license-free operating systems
such as Linux and BSD, and this allows a company whose primary competitive advantage is software to deliver that software in a box--a hardware box.」
だから、このコラムのタイトルが「Software in a box」となっているわけだ。
そして、(1) Development complexity and quality assurance (2)Performance (3) Security (4) Provisioning (5) Reliability, stability and customer service (6) Pricing (7) Distributionという七つの要素から、ソフトにコア・コンピタンスを持つベンチャーがハード事業を展開することの意味を考えている。なかなか面白い。
「The firewall market is one in which this software-in-a-box phenomenon has begun to play out. Check Point Software pioneered this space with a software-focused, open-platform business model. Later, vendors like NetScreen began taking market share with a hardware-based delivery platform. In a June 2002 Internet Security report, analyst Bob Lam suggests that more than 50 percent of the 2001 firewall market was hardware-based. Moreover, by 2005, Lam predicts the market will be 70 percent hardware-based.」
ただソフトでも、その特徴によって「In a box」化してハード事業にすべきものと、そうでないものがあるのは当然だ。
「Admittedly, this theory applies much more to functional software, such as firewalls, Web servers, security devices and storage solutions, than it does to high-end applications.」
3:22 PM
by Mochio Umeda
ここ数ヶ月のベストはForbes誌の「85 Innovations」という特集であった。ネットでも丹念にクリックしていけば、全文読めるようだが、こういうものこそ、雑誌でパラパラ読むほうが読みやすい。
1924冷凍食品、1924投資信託、1927テレビ、1937血液バンク、1938ゼログラフィー、1942デジタル・コンピュータ、1947セルラーフォン、1947トランジスタ、1947タッパーウェア、1950クレジットカード、1955ファストフード、1958ペースメーカー、1959 IC、1962モデム、1968マウス、1969インターネット、1971マイクロプロセッサ、1971留守番電話、1972イーサーネット、1972 UNIX/C言語、1972 E-entertainment(テレビゲーム)、1973ディスカウント・ブローカー(Charles Schwab)、1976インデックスファンド、1976 PC、1976 DNA組み換え、1977ジャンクボンド、1979スプレッドシート、1984 LCD、1984 Customized Mass Retail(デルのこと)、1991 WWW、1995 インターネットビジネス(アマゾンとeBayのこと)、1998バイアグラ、2000 Automated sequencing machine(DNAシークエンス自動解析システムのこと)
4:39 PM
by Mochio Umeda
昨日の続き。「ムーアの法則」とグーグルについて、Always Onでも議論が続けられている。
「In the article he notes that the highly respected Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, had no intention of buying the Intel/HP super-chip. Instead he was going to build the Google infrastructure with smaller, cheaper processors. "Google, the hottest young company in technology, had committed the ultimate apostasy: it had declared its independence from Moore’s Law,” writes Mr. Malone.」
「It is also important to note that in the software development world, the coolest applications are being built in cyberspace by a loose confederation of "Open Source" software hackers.」
4:09 PM
by Mochio Umeda
「ムーアの法則」ついでに、「Forget Moore's Law」というマイケル・マローンの最新エッセイをご紹介しておこう。
「Forget Moore's law because it is unhealthy. Because it has become our obsession. Because high tech has become fixated on it at the expense of
everything else--especially business strategy. It is precisely this fixation, at the cost of other considerations like profit, product, and market, that led to the dot-com bubble and bust.
Forget Moore's law because there are more important things to worry about--like restoring the lost vitality of the electronics industry. The only people who ought to be obsessing about Moore's law are the folks working in the semiconductor industry, and Gordon Moore himself has suggested that even in the chip business his law hasn't always been a helpful fixation. Lately, some disturbing new trends support his case.
But most of all, forget Moore's law because it has become dangerous. It is a runaway train, roaring down a path to disaster, picking up speed at every turn, and we are now going faster than human beings can endure. If we don't figure out how to get off this train soon, we may destroy an industry.」
「An extraordinary announcement was made a couple of months ago, one that may mark a turning point in the high-tech story.」
「His words were both simple and devastating: when asked how the 64-bit Itanium, the new megaprocessor from Intel and Hewlett-Packard, would
affect Google, Mr. Schmidt replied that it wouldn't. Google had no intention of buying the superchip. Rather, he said, the company intends to build its future servers with smaller, cheaper processors.」
「In essence, what he said was that Google, the hottest young company in technology, had committed the ultimate apostasy: it had declared its independence from Moore's law.」
「"We aren't interested in getting maximum power for a high price,"」
「"What we're looking for is maximum functionality and that's a whole different thing."」
「”When I read the Google announcement," he says, "I understood exactly where Mr. Schmidt was going. This is a fundamental, even revolutionary,
change in the IT world, and most people don't even realize it yet. It's going to be disastrous for a lot of the big companies out there."」
「"The rules of this business are changing fast," Mr. Andreessen says, "When we come out of this downturn, high tech is going to look entirely different."」
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